Stock Photos with Unsplash API

This project required me to building a React Application with a search functionality which displays different types of images based of the input given. An Infinte scrolling functionaliy was also added.

Technologies - React, CSS, Context API, Fetch API, Unsplash

Cocktail Gallery

A React Application with the functionality of searching for various types of drinks and getting more information about those drinks. This was a great learning curve in learning about react router

Technologies - React, CSS, React-router

Cart Functionality

This project required me to build a fully responsive interactive single page ratings component to the designs provided. I used HTML5, along with CSS Grid and JavaScript for the areas that required interactivity, such as the testimonial slider.

This project required me to building a React Application that has the capabilty of implementing some Cart Functionality. Such as calculating Total Item prices and item number. As well as updating and deleting Items properties

Technologies - React, CSS, Context API, Fetch API

Grocery Bud

A React Application with the functionality of storing, edit and deleting grocery Items.

Technologies - React, CSS, LocalStorage

Intro section with dropdown navigation

This project required me to build a fully responsive intro section with dropdown navigation with the designs provided. I used HTML5, along with CSS Flexbox and JavaScript for the areas that required interactivity, especially when it came to toggling the navigational links.

Technologies - HTML, CSS, SASS/SCSS, JavaScript

Pixel Art Maker

A single-page web app that allows users to draw pixel art on a customizable canvas!

Technologies - HTML, CSS, JavaScript


This project required me to build a fully responsive interactive single page ratings component to the designs provided. I used HTML5, along with CSS Grid and JavaScript for the areas that required interactivity, such as the testimonial slider.

Dynamic Landing Page

A single-page Landing Page that dynamically auto-generates and highlights it's navigation bar depending on its body content headers

Technologies - HTML, CSS, JavaScript

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